The Patrol Division responds to calls for service 24 hours a day, such as medicals, business and home security alarms, vehicle crashes and domestic disputes as well as reports of property offenses like theft and fraud.
The Patrol Division actively patrols each community to prevent and deter crime, as well as enforce local, state and federal laws. Initial reports of felony-level offenses are taken by the Patrol Division and then forwarded to the Investigations Division for further investigation, when necessary.
Many municipal police departments regularly patrol their own cities. The Sheriff’s Office provides similar law enforcement services to 11 communities in the county –Watford City, Arnegard, Rawson, Alexander, Cartwright, East Fairview, Dore, Grassy Butte, Keene, New Town and Mandaree.
This division also conducts extra patrol, funeral escorts and standy-by services when needed. Patrol deputies also work overtime under a large array of funding from the North Dakota Department of Transportation which includes the Click it or Ticket it campaign and the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign. The North Dakota Department of Transportation also provides overtime funding for Underage Drinking enforcement and Distracted Driving enforcement.
This division is under the command of Lieutenant Mike Ficken. There are four sergeants, one commercial motor vehicle enforcement sergeant, four corporals, two commercial motor vehicle enforcement deputies, 17 patrol deputies.
Units Within the Patrol Division